Get to know the crew
Hello everyone! My name is Tea™! I'm going to post art I do of me and my characters, review art programs and products, and do how to art tutorials. Lets give an introduction of the main characters you will be seeing a lot! First of we have... Me!!! I will prefer to be known has Tea™ or TM™ This is some art I did of myself Next we have... Sunny! She is my little bundle of oblivious joy. Last but not least we have Amelia. She is a moody little bundle of hate (she's also my marvel universe character with powers we'll get to that later) So Sunny and Amelia are my two characters but we also have some people who I love and know in real life. She owns the blog Just dolling here is a link she great Just Dolling Lol she great I will refer to her as E. This girl is great So those are all my characters and friends you will be seeing them a bunch so get used to them here is just some art I've done So ...